“It Just Made Me Want to Do Better for Myself”: Performing Arts Education and Academic Performance for African American Male High School Students*
Calvin Wesley Walton | 2020 Walton, C.W. “It Just Made Me Want to Do Better for Myself”: Performing Arts Education and Academic Performance for African American Male High School Students.” International Journal of Education & the Arts, V. 21 No. 13 (2020): 1-42. Abstract: The abstract for this article, as well as the complete article, is available on the International […]
‘Seeing’ and ‘Being Seen’: An Embodied and Culturally Sensitive Arts-Integrated Pedagogy Creating Enriched Conditions for Learning in Multicultural Schools*
Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, et al. | 2017 Svendler Nielsen, C., et al. “‘Seeing’ and ‘Being Seen’: An Embodied and Culturally Sensitive Arts-Integrated Pedagogy Creating Enriched Conditions for Learning in Multicultural Schools.” International Journal of Education & the Arts, V. 21 No. 2 (2017): 1-24. Abstract: The abstract for this article, as well as the complete article, is available on the International Journal […]
The Effectiveness of Performative Aerial Practice on Mental Health and the Love of Movement
Maria Kosma, et al. | 2020 Kosma, Maria et al. “The Effectiveness of Performative Aerial Practice on Mental Health and the Love of Movement.” Research in Dance Education. (2020): doi:10.1080/14647893.2020.1784868. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine whether skill-based and performative aerial practice was more beneficial on mental health and the love of movement than only skill-based aerial practice. […]
Museums as Classrooms: The Academic and Behavioral Impacts of “School in the Park”
Johanna Lacoe, et al. | 2020 Lacoe, Johanna, Gary D. Painter, and Danielle Williams. “Museums as Classrooms: The Academic and Behavioral Impacts of “School in the Park”.” AERA Open Vol. 6, no. 3 (2020): 1-22, DOI: 2332858420940309. Abstract: Access to community cultural institutions, such as museums, zoos and theaters has the potential to improve students’ educational experiences. This study estimates the […]
Investigating Causal Effect of Arts Education Experiences: Experimental Evidence From Houston’s Arts Access Initiative
Daniel H. Bowen and Brian Kisida. | 2020 Daniel H. Bowen and Brian Kisida, “Investigating Causal Effect of Arts Education Experiences: Experimental Evidence From Houston’s Arts Access Initiative,” Houston Education Research Consortium 7, no. 4 (2019): 1-28. Abstract: The researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial with 10,548 students in third through eighth grade who were enrolled across 42 schools. Participating schools were assigned […]
The Effectiveness of a Music and Dance Program on the Task Engagement and Inclusion of Young Pupils on the Autism Spectrum
Athina Stamou et al. | 2020 Athina Stamou et al, “The Effectiveness of a Music and Dance Program on the Task Engagement and Inclusion of Young Pupils on the Autism Spectrum,” Music & Science 2 (2019): 2059204319881852. Abstract: This study explored whether music and dance can promote the inclusion of children with autism attending mainstream schools through participation in a novel music […]
Selection Into, and Academic Benefits From, Arts-Related Courses in Middle School for Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Youth
Adam Winsler et al. | 2020 Adam Winsler et al, “Selection Into, and Academic Benefits From, Arts-Related Courses in Middle School for Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Youth,” Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, (2019). Abstract: This research on the effects of arts engagement identifies and carefully controls for preexisting selection factors that differentiate those who do and do not get exposure […]
Transforming Teaching Through Arts Integration
Snyder, L., P. Klos and L. Grey-Hawkins | 2019 Snyder, L., P. Klos and L. Grey-Hawkins. (2014). Transforming Teaching Through Arts Integration. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 10(1). Abstract: In four years, Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) increased sixth- and seventh-grade student achievement on the Maryland State Assessment (MSA) by 20% at a low-performing school. This improvement positively correlates with the implementation […]
Access to High School Arts Education: Why Student Participation Matters as Much as Course Availability
Thomas, K. M, P. Singh, K. Klopfenstein and C.T. Henry | 2019 Thomas, K. M, P. Singh, K. Klopfenstein and C.T. Henry. (2013) Access to High School Arts Education: Why Student Participation Matters as Much as Course Availability. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21 (74) Abstract: Using individual-level administrative data from the University of Texas at Dallas Education Research Center researchers developed several distinct indices of access to […]
The Collaborative Residency Project: The Influence of Co-Teaching on Professional Development in Arts Integration
Schlaack, N. and J. Simpson Steele | 2019 Schlaack, N. and J. Simpson Steele. (2018). The Collaborative Residency Project: The Influence of Co-Teaching on Professional Development in Arts Integration. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 19(11). Abstract: The Collaborative Residency program offered classroom teachers an intensive course of study through collaborative work with teaching artists as they co-planned and co-taught arts-integrated science […]
Arts in Education: The Impact of the Arts Integration Program and Lessons Learned
Miller, Joyce Ann and Tania Bogatova | 2019 Miller, Joyce Ann and Tania Bogatova. (2018). Arts in Education: The Impact of the Arts Integration Program and Lessons Learned. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 14 (1). Abstract: This research evaluated an arts-integration project funded through the U.S. Department of Education’s Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Grant program. The four-year project was […]
The Arts and Human Development: Framing a National Research Agenda for the Arts, Lifelong Learning and Individual Well-Being
Hanna, Gay, Michael Patterson, Judy Rollins and Andrea Sherman | 2019 Hanna, Gay, Michael Patterson, Judy Rollins and Andrea Sherman. 2011. “The Arts and Human Development: Framing a National Research Agenda for the Arts, Lifelong Learning and Individual Well-Being.” National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, November. https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/TheArtsAndHumanDev.pdf. Abstract: This paper is the result of a convening hosted by […]
Dance/Movement Therapy’s Influence on Adolescents Mathematics, Social-Emotional and Dance Skills
Anderson, Alida | 2019 Anderson, Alida. “Dance/Movement Therapy’s Influence on Adolescents Mathematics, Social-Emotional and Dance Skills.” The Educational Forum79, no. 3 (2015): 230-47. Abstract: In the study, dance movement therapy (DMT) was integrated into mathematics and social-emotional skill instruction for seventh-grade students diagnosed with learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities and/or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Students who participated in these integrated activities over […]
Dancing Effects on Preschoolers’ Sensorimotor Synchronization, Balance and Movement Reaction Time
Chatzihidiroglou et al | 2019 Chatzihidiroglou et al. “Dancing Effects on Preschoolers’ Sensorimotor Synchronization, Balance and Movement Reaction Time.” Perceptual and motor skills 125, no. 3 (2018): 463-477. Abstract: This study compared an experimental group of preschool children (n=22; mean age=5 years, 8 months) who followed an eight-week dance program with a control group (n=20; mean age=5 years, 5 months) on pre–post […]
Noncognitive Factors in an Elementary School-Wide Arts Integrated Model
Steele, J. S. | 2018 Steele, J. S. (2017). Noncognitive Factors in an Elementary School-Wide Arts Integrated Model. Journal for Learning through the Arts: A Research Journal on Arts Integration in Schools and Communities, 12(1).
Does Participation in Music and Performing Arts Influence Child Development?
Foster, E. M., & Marcus Jenkins, J. V. | 2018 This article reconsiders the association between childhood arts participation and cognitive and developmental outcomes.
Arts Education and the High School Dropout Problem
Thomas. M. K., Singh, P. & Klopfenstein, K | 2015 High school dropout is a significant public education problem in the United States.
Effect of a performing arts program on the oral language skills of young English learners.
Greenfader, C.M., Brouillette, L. & Farkas, G. | 2015 The Teaching Artist Project (TAP) is a literacy program that provides K–2 teachers with professional development in theatre and dance with the goal of helping teachers boost the oral language skills of English learners (ELs).
Arts Achieve, impacting student success in the arts: Preliminary findings after one year of implementation
Mastrorilli, T. M., Harnett, S., Zhu, J. | 2014 Arts Achieve: Impacting Student Success in the Arts is a partnership between Studio in a School, the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), and four other premier cultural arts organizations from across New York City (NYC).
Increasing the school engagement and oral language skills of ELLs through arts integration in the primary grades
Brouillette, L., Childress-Evans, K., Hinga, B. & Farkas, G. | 2014 Building on previous research on the relationship between the arts and student engagement and achievement, researchers studied the impact of San Diego’s Teaching Artist Project (TAP) on the attendance and speaking and listening skills of children in kindergarten through second grade, with a focus on English Language Learners (ELLs).
Partnerships in arts Integration Research final reports.
Scripp, L., Burnaford, G. Vazquez, O. Paradis, L. & Sienkiewicz, F. | 2013 The Partnerships for Arts Integration Research (PAIR) final report summarizes results from a four-year, federal Department of Education Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) project administered by the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) and the Chicago Public Schools from 2007-2010.
Arts education and positive youth development: Cognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes of adolescents who study the arts
Elpus, K. | 2013 This study examined the influence of adolescent participation in the arts on cognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes.
Arts enrichment and preschool emotions for low-income children at risk
Brown, E. D., Sax, K. L. | 2013 This study examines the effects of arts integration on preschool students’ emotional expression and emotional regulation.
Graffiti, poetry, dance: How public library art programs affect teens
Crawford Barniskis, S. | 2012 This article examines the impact art programming for teenagers in public libraries has on teenage civic engagement.
The arts and achievement in at-risk youth: Findings from four longitudinal studies.
Catterall, J. S., Dumais, S. A., & Hampden-Thompson, G. | 2012 This study examines the relationship between participation in the arts and academic and civic outcomes for teenagers and young adults.
Creating destiny: Youth, arts and social change
Lauren M. Stevenson | 2011 This ethnographic study examines how a company of high-school-aged artists in a community arts program, makes social change while creating an original hip hop, modern dance, and theater production.
Partnerships between schools and the professional arts sector: Evaluation of impact on student outcomes
Imms, W., Jeanneret, N., & Stevens-Ballenger, J. | 2011 This study examines how arts partnerships impact student engagement, student voice, social learning, creative skills, and arts-related knowledge and skills; the five student outcomes linked to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS).
Arts enrichment and school readiness for children at risk.
Brown, E. D., Benedett, B, & Armistad, M. E. | 2010 Arts enrichment programs provide varied channels for acquiring school readiness skills, especially for children at risk.
Passing on: The old head/younger dancer mentoring relationship in the cultural sphere of rhythm tap
Donna-Marie Peters | 2010 This case study examines the phenomenon of mentorship within inner-city black rhythm tap dancing communities in New York City through an investigation of three different tap dance communities: “La Cave”, “Swing 46” and “On Tap.
Evaluation of the nature and impact of the Creative Partnerships programme on the teaching workforce
Lamont, E., Jeffes, J., & Lord,P. | 2010 This study examines the impact of the UK’s Creative Partnerships program on the teaching force at participating schools.
Arts integration professional development: teacher perspective and transfer to instructional practice
Garett, J. | 2010 This study examines the benefits of professional development in arts integration for elementary school teachers.
How the arts help children to create healthy social scripts: Exploring the perceptions of elementary teachers
Brouillette, L. | 2010 The researcher collected data in the form of interviews from twelve first through fourth grade inner-city teachers who had participated in arts integrated lessons with their classes, to describe the impact arts learning had on developing students’ social scripts (culturally developed mental cues for how to act or respond in certain situations).
Effects of a preschool music and movement curriculum on children’s language skills
Noreen Yazeijian, Ellen S. Peisner-Feinberg | 2009 This quasi-experimental study evaluated the effects of a supplementary music and movement curriculum on children’s language skills in a Head Start preschool classroom.
Learning to Teach the Creative Arts in Primary Schools Through Community Engagement
Deirdre Russell-Bowie | 2009 This formative case study follows 13 undergraduate students planning to become classroom teachers and who are completing a field study placement in an elementary school.
Effects of music instruction on developing cognitive systems at the foundations of mathematics and science
Spelke, E. | 2008 In this study, the researcher conducted three experiments that examined the relationship between the cognitive systems involved in music and those involved in math and science abilities in children.
Arts education, the brain, and language (2)
Petitto, L. | 2008 This study examines the impact of intensive arts education on the human brain.
Growth in motion: Supporting young women’s embodied identity and cognitive development through dance after school
Mira-Lisa Katz | 2008 This research examines embodied learning, how we know and learn through our body, from the perspectives of 30 teenage women participating at two community-based dance studios in Oakland, CA.
Arts in the Classroom Professional Development Program:Final Evaluation Report
Powell, D. | 2007 This study is an evaluation of The Arts in the Classroom Program which engaged 91 Kindergarten through sixth grade classroom teachers from a single school district in order to build their capacity to deliver standards-based interdisciplinary arts instruction to their students.
“It’s work, work, work, work”: Young people’s experiences of effort and engagement in dance.
Karen E. Bond, Susan W. Stinson | 2007 This study is the second phase of a large research project examining young people’s experiences in dance education.
Whole brain learning: The fine arts with students at risk
Respress, T., & Lutfi, G. | 2006 Researchers used a quasi-experimental research design to examine the impact of arts education on students involved in the after-school program HEARTS (Health Education in the Arts Refining Talented Students).
In the beginning: Young children and arts education.
Jeff Meiners | 2005 This report describes an arts education partnership between Windmill Performing Arts, an Australian national performing arts company for children and families, and the University of South Australia.
Storytellers: Women crafting new knowing and better worlds
Wiessner, C.A. | 2005 This narrative study documents the benefits of using creative arts-based storytelling methods to engage adult learners who face histories of stalled educational achievement.
Multimedia arts learning in an activity system: New literacies for at risk children.
Betts, J.D. | 2006 The Multimedia Arts Education Program (MAEP) was an after school program for low income, middle school youth in Tucson, AZ.
Creative Dance: Singapore children’s creative thinking and problem solving responses
L.L. Keun & P. Hunt | 2006 Teacher-researchers developed and implemented a dance-integrated curriculum in a primary class of seven-year-old children and observed the effects of dance education on the children’s acquisition of dance skills and their proficiency in creative thinking and problem solving.
The effects of a creative dance and movement program on the social competence of head start preschoolers.
Lobo, Y. B., & Winsler, A. | 2006 This study assesses the effects of a creative dance/movement program on the social competence of preschool children.
Evaluation of “FAIR”
Goddard, G. | 2006 This study evaluates a music theatre project in a United Kingdom prison.
The effects of the arts IMPACT curriculum upon student performance on the Ohio fourth-grade proficiency test
Kinney, D. W. & Forsythe, J. L. | 2005 This study examines the impact of a comprehensive arts curriculum (Arts IMPACT) on students’ scores on the Ohio Fourth-Grade Proficiency Test.
Assessment of High School Students’ Creative Thinking Skills: a comparison of dance and nondance classes
Sandra Minton | 2003 This study compared the creative thinking abilities of students taking dance class in high school to non-dance students.
Challenging out-of-school activities as a predictor of creative accomplishments in art, drama, dance and social leadership
Roberta M. Milgram | 2003 This study seeks to identify creative talent in adolescents by looking at the quantity and quality of their experience in creative extracurricular activities, as measured by the Tel Aviv Activities and Accomplishments Inventory (TAAI).
Basic reading through dance program: The impact on first-grade students’ basic reading skills.
McMahon, S., Rose, D., & Parks, M. | 2003 Researchers developed a quasi-experimental research design to evaluate the impact of a dance-integrated reading program on first-grade students’ beginning reading skills, such as code knowledge (alphabet sounds) and phoneme segmentation (separating letter sounds from spoken words).
SAT Scores of Students Who Study the Arts: What We Can and Cannot Conclude about the Association
Karen Vaughn and Ellen Winner | 2000 This study examines the claim that students who study the arts in high school have higher SAT scores than those who do not study the arts.
Art and community: Creating knowledge through service in dance
Ross, J. | 2000 Sixty at-risk and incarcerated adolescents participated in jazz and hip-hop dance classes for ten weeks.
Culturally-based after-school arts programming for low-income urban children: Adaptive and preventive effects.
Mason, M. J. & Chuang, S. | 2001 This study examines the impact of participation in Kuumba Kids, an arts-based cultural enrichment program, on student development and behavior.
Teaching cognitive skill through dance: Evidence for near but not far transfer
Keinanen, M., Hetland, L., & Winner, E. | 2000 Two very small meta-analyses were conducted to test the assertion that dance instruction leads to improvements in reading and nonverbal reasoning.
Arts Education in Secondary Schools: Effects and Effectiveness.
Harland, J., Kinder, K., Lord, P., Stott, A., Schagen, I., Haynes, J., Cusworth, L.,White, R., & Paola, R. | 2000 The purpose of this large-scale study was to examine the effects of secondary school arts education (in visual arts, drama, dance, or music) in England and Wales.
“I feel like I’m going to take off!”: Young people’s experiences of the superordinary in dance.
Bond, K. E., & Stinson, S. W. | 2000 This study presents phenomenological research about how dance students describe their experiences with dance.
Imaginative actuality: Learning in the arts during nonschool hours
Shirley Brice Heath and Adelma Roach | 1999 This research draws upon data from a ten-year national study that describes academic, personal, social and civic outcomes of out-of-school programs on students.
Living the arts through language-learning: A report on community-based youth organizations
Heath, S. B., Soep, E., & Roach A. | 1998 A team of researchers conducted fieldwork in a sample of communities to better understand the arts programs operated by community organizations and their impact on participants.
Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education summary evaluation
Catterall, J., & Waldorf, L. | 1999 This study evaluates the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE), a program that provided grants to schools to form partnerships between local artists, arts agencies, and teachers to integrate arts across the school curriculum.
Artistic talent development for urban youth: The promise and the challenge
Baum, S., Oreck, B., McCartney, H. | 1999 The researchers studied three cohorts of students enrolled in the Young Talent Program, an arts program offering instruction in music and dance to students enrolled in New York City public schools beginning at grade three and extending outside of school into early adulthood.
The effects of creative dance instruction on creative and critical thinking of 7th grade female students in Seoul, Korea
Kim, J. | 1998 This study examines the effect of creative dance instruction on seventh grade girls’ creative and critical thinking skills.