by Cassandra Quillen | Nov 12, 2019
Guhn, M., S.D. Emerson and P. Gouzouasis. (2019). A Population-Level Analysis of Associations Between School Music Participation and Academic Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication: Abstract:...
by Cassandra Quillen | Oct 24, 2019
Snyder, L., P. Klos and L. Grey-Hawkins. (2014). Transforming Teaching Through Arts Integration. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 10(1). Abstract: In four years, Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) increased sixth- and seventh-grade student achievement on...
by Cassandra Quillen | Oct 23, 2019
Taylor, Holly A. and Allyson Hutton (2013) Think3d!: Training Spatial Thinking Fundamental to STEM Education, Cognition and Instruction, 31:4, 434-455. Abstract: This article describes the initial implementation of an innovative STEAM program (Think3d) for...
by Cassandra Quillen | Oct 23, 2019
Simpson Steele, J. (2019). Where Are They Now? Graduates of an Arts Integration Elementary School Reflect on Art, School, Self and Others. International Journal for Education & the Arts 20(11), 1-23. Abstract: How do high school students experience art, school,...
by Cassandra Quillen | Aug 20, 2018
Kang, R., Mehranian, Y., & Hyyatt, C. (2017). Incorporating an Image-Based, Multi-Model Pedagogy Into Global Citizenship Education. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 18 (23). Retrieved from Abstract: Drawing on theories...