by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Moreno, S., Bialystok, E., Barac, R., Schellenberg, E. G., Cepeda, N. J. & Chau, T. (2011). Short-term music training enhances verbal intelligence and executive function. Psychological Science, 22, 1425-1433.Abstract:This study examines the effects of two...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Nelson, B. (2011). “I made myself”: Playmaking as a pedagogy of change with urban youth. Research in Drama Education Journal, 16(20) 1-17.Abstract:Applied Drama and Theater (AD/T) addresses local conditions and perspectives by teaming drama instructors and community...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Rabkin, N. and Hedberg, E. (2011). Arts education in America: What the declines mean for arts participation. Based on the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. Research Report #52. Washington, DC: National Endowment for the Arts.Abstract:This report...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Stevenson, L. M. (2011). Creating destiny: Youth, arts and social change. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Stanford University, Stanford, CA.Abstract:This ethnographic study examines how a company of high-school-aged artists in a community arts program, makes...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Walker, E., Bosworth McFadden, L., Tabone, C., Finkelstein, M. (2011) Contribution of drama-based strategies. Youth Theatre Journal, 25, 3-15.Abstract:Building on a stream of educational research that has focused on the impact of the arts on performance in non-arts...