by Cassandra Quillen | Dec 4, 2020
Kosma, Maria et al. “The Effectiveness of Performative Aerial Practice on Mental Health and the Love of Movement.” Research in Dance Education. (2020): doi:10.1080/14647893.2020.1784868. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine whether skill-based and...
by Cassandra Quillen | Dec 4, 2020
Lacoe, Johanna, Gary D. Painter, and Danielle Williams. “Museums as Classrooms: The Academic and Behavioral Impacts of “School in the Park”.” AERA Open Vol. 6, no. 3 (2020): 1-22, DOI: 2332858420940309. Abstract: Access to community cultural institutions,...
by Cassandra Quillen | Dec 4, 2020
Ilari, Beatriz et al. “The Development of Musical Skills of Underprivileged Children Over the Course of One Year: A Study in the Context of an El Sistema-Inspired Program.” Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 62 (2016): 1-13. Abstract: This study examined the...
by Cassandra Quillen | Dec 4, 2020
Shields, Sara Scott, Rachel Fendler, and Danielle Henn. “A Vision of Civically Engaged Art Education: Teens as Arts-Based Researchers.” Studies in Art Education 61(2) (2020): 123-141: DOI: 10.1080/00393541.2020.1740146. Abstract: Civic engagement includes a focus on...
by Cassandra Quillen | Dec 4, 2020
Habibi, Assal et al. “Neural Correlates of Accelerated Auditory Processing in Children Engaged in Music Training.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (2016): 1-14. Abstract: As part of a longitudinal study, researchers investigated the effects of a...