by Cassandra Quillen | Oct 23, 2019
Register, Dena, Alice-Ann Darrow, Jayne Standley and Olivia Swedberg. 2007. The Use of Music to Enhance Reading Skills of Second Grade Students and Students With Reading Disabilities. Journal of Music Therapy 44, (1) (Spring): 23-37. Abstract: This study assesses the...
by Cassandra Quillen | Apr 16, 2019
Cunnington, Marisol, Andrea Kantrowitz, Susanne Harnett, and Aline Hill-Ries. “Cultivating Common Ground: Integrating Standards-Based Visual Arts, Math and Literacy in High-Poverty Urban Classrooms.” Journal for Learning through the Arts: A Research...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Parker, E. C. (2014). The process of social identity development in adolescent high school choral singers: A grounded theory. Journal of Research in Music Education, 62.Abstract:The purpose of this study was to describe the process of adolescent choral singers’...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Richardson, R. & Brouillette, L. (2013). Historic and ethnic music found to increase geographic understanding: A quasi-experimental study. Journal for Learning through the Arts 9(1)Abstract:This study evaluated an eighth-grade supplementary music and geography...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Eason, B. J. A., & Johnson, C. M. (2013). Prelude: Music Makes Us baseline research report. Nashville, TN: Metro Nashville Public Schools.Abstract:Researchers from the University of Kansas sought to establish a baseline understanding of the effects of existing...