by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Menard, E. A. (2015). Music composition in the high school curriculum: A multiple case study. Journal of Research in Music Education, 63(1).Abstract:Achieving all objectives in the National Standards for Arts Education would require fundamental changes to the way...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Kisida, B., Greene, J. P., & Bowen, D. H. (2014). Creating cultural consumers: The dynamics of cultural capital acquisition. Sociology of Education, 87(4), 281–295. Abstract: The theories of cultural reproduction and cultural mobility have largely shaped the study...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Moody, E. & Phinney, A. (2012). Community-engaged arts for older people: Fostering social inclusion. Canadian Journal on Aging, 31(3), pp. 55-64.Abstract:This ethnographic study explores how communities can be more inclusive and supportive of seniors,...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Malin, H. (2012). Creating a children’s art world: Negotiating participation, identity, and meaning in the elementary school art room. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 13 (6).Abstract:This qualitative case study examines the outcomes of the...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Crawford Barniskis, S. (2012). Graffiti, poetry, dance: How public library art programs affect teens. The Journal for Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 2.Abstract:This article examines the impact art programming for teenagers in public libraries has on teenage...